Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog 20

Choose an issue from American History that we have discussed in class recently. Write a brief (one to three paragraph) history of the issue and the Federalist vs. Anti federalist issues involved. In this brief history, be sure to cite relevant sources and make specific, clear references to major historical events.
The issue that i am focusing in is the interracial marriage in the united states. For a while interracial marriage was illegal in the united states and wasn't made legal until 1967. This issue is more of the anti federalism side because it is trying to change the law for certain individuals instead of the government taking control and make the disicion for all of them.
I interviewed my father what were his thoughts of  interracial marriage he really didn't believe in it "I don't agree with it" he thinks that most interracial marriage doesn't work and that you should just stick to your own race. I asked him if his opinion is like that because he was around before the law was passed and the way he was raised it wasn't right.


Choose at least one person not in this class whose opinion you respect. Interview this person to seek their ideas and opinions about the issues inherent in the element of history you have chosen.

Ideally, you want to quote this person, but it is okay to paraphrase their ideas at certain points, if necessary.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Blog 19

1. What are you most proud of in your Life: The Book writing? Try to describe this is detail!
I am most proud of is the knowledge i got form the research i had to do for the book. i knew few things about arthritis but through the research i got new knowledge about how it actually affects your body and how the medication works to relieve the pain. Also i am proud of the work itself because from this project i now understand more of the pain and difficulties my dad and grandma goes through ever day and the hassle of taking medication ever day.
2. What are some changes or new ideas that you have developed in your writing through the course of this semester?
I would say that i had a better star of how to write the article if i were to this article at the beginning of the year i would have been struggling writing this. I used previous knowledge from the beginning of the year to help me out to write the article.
3. If you had a little more time to work on your writing for Life: The Book, what would you do differently? What would you change about your writing?
If i had more time i would look for more gramatical errors and check if the writing flows. i would also like to go over it and see if the medication was explain enough to understand and see if the genetical process was clear.
4. How has the additional element of publication in a book affected the way you approach writing?
I would say that this element made me feel motavated to do a good job on my writing knowing that people were going to be reading this i want people to be reading a good paper that they can get good information from about the disease or the treatment the patient gose through.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blog #18

What are your character's main goals for the Senate Health Care Hearings?
My characters main goals it to improve coverage for substance abuse rehabilitation patients.

What do you want to accomplish?
what i would like to accomplish is to get the bill passed that health care will cover most of rehab treatment and will have a reasonable coverage.

How do you plan to accomplish it?
I will accomplish this is by proving reason why we need to improve coverage for rehab.

Who are you working with to get this done?
I am working with one of the senators who is helping prepare for the hearing.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog # 17

explain how this debate impacts your topic for Life: The Book. Be sure to address your topic from more than one perspective, as you have six different authors to discuss!
This affects my topic because some people do think that health care is too expensive and are not able to pay for it.what i think that for some people the health care is too expensive and for other it is not there should be a compromise of the price of health care for those who can not afford it.Finally, discuss what you believe. Aim for a thoughtful explanation of your
In the course of this blog post, please quote at least once from each article.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog # 16

Then, explain how this debate impacts your topic for Life: The Book. Be sure to address your topic from more than one perspective, as you have six different authors to discuss!
This debate impacts my topic because health care does play an important role on my topic. My topic talks about arthritis and that is a big health problem the medication and the treatment does get expensive. If they dont make health care a right some people wont be able to pay for the medication and the treatment needed for athritis and will put alot of peopl in dept. Other people dont agree form this article it talks about how it shouldnt be a right that people should be able to pay and not make other people pay for you that you shpukd be able to take care of yourself. "But then doesn’t the right to health care entail the power to force someone else to pay for it?"

Finally, discuss what you believe. Aim for a thoughtful explanation of your beliefs.
What i believe is that people should be whiling to pay for their health care but at a reasonable price but if you are not able to pay for your medical expenses their should be some kind of help. if this done it might help out later on in the long run. Either way we are still pay for health care through taxex so in the end every one is contrubuting something for health care so why not just have people be whili9ng to pay a reasonable price for health care.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog # 15

Please choose one of the following and answer them in well-researched, thoughtful blog posts.

4. Describe the types of health care problems Americans face, and the government's role in seeking solutions.
Some issues that America faces in health care is that not a lot of people have insurgence about 47 million people do not have insurance and that number keeps on growing. the reason of the this situation is cause more and more people are making their employers pay their health bill which some people can't keep up with the payments. Also not a lot of the insurance are covering the drug expenses which people are stating to speak up about the whole cost of health care. One of the solution what the government is trying  to do to help this situation to fund existing government health plans to cover all who are eligible.

For whichever one you choose, feel free to answer in a manner that specifically addresses your topic for Life: The Book or a more general manner (remember that the general manner could still be very useful for your article, as it could provide background info). Be sure to embed links to relevant information and sources of further information.

Then, answer the following, using our past readings & related sources.

1. Using a specific example, describe what makes a compelling character in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
What makes a compelling character is to make the character want something that is hard to get also have some kind of conflict to the story board. also it could be could make the character relate to people. for example an article i read had a character that was in jail and his sister was trying to get him out of there but he wanted to do time.

2. Using a specific example, describe what makes an interesting plot in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
I would say what makes an interesting plot is to have conflict and make it relate to certain people so they can make a connection with themselves also you can write about a topic that is talked about a lot and that you can have an opinion about. for example in the article the covenant there was a conflict of how Francis Collins was made the director if the national institute of health and people did not like it because he was religious. 

3. What specific steps do authors take to write non-jargon-based scientific writing?
The steps that an author take to write non jargon scientific writing is that they would think about what they are try to say give a brief definition of a scientific word if need it and  try to not write like they would do with people that know what they are saying. for example is that in the article of Darwin's Surprise is that they used a lot of this kind language when speaking of scientific terms " HIV can evolve a million times as fast as the human immune system cells it infects,"

4. What specific steps do authors take to encourage their readers to connect with their stories?
Some specific steps that the author takes to encourage their readers to connect with their stories I would say that they would try to get a true story that has happened to someone so that people can connect and now that they are not the only one that can go through this that you are not alone.

link to good article of heal insurance

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog # 14

what is going on in the world of Humanities that relates to your ideas for Life: The Book?

Please answer the following questions—you can do this in any format that works best for you:

1. Post the stage of life that you will write about and a relevant element of genetic technology that interests you. Feel free to work with Brandon to understand this step.
The Stage of life that i will be working is old age. the topic that i am going to be focusing is arthritis and how the medication is made to help people who have arthritis. i am interested on how the process of the medication is made and how it works.

2. Describe at least one relevant government agency that works in this area. Describe the current news related to your topic & this government agency and embed a minimum of one news story (print, tv, audio, etc.) in your description.
The FDA is part of this because it has to approve weather or not the drug is safe for people. recently this year they passed a new medication treat rheumatoid arthritis that will help people who had no to little affect to the medication they were on. It also says that it should be limited use. it also talks about the risk factors that should be considered when taking this medication.
3. Describe at least one relevant historical, cultural, economic, geographical, or literary example or concept that relates to your ideas for your article. Include at least two relevant links to evidence and further research in your writing. Strive for detail & evidence in your connections.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a an incurable disease that can have an impact on the your family and yourself it is a serious problem you can eve lose your job cause of it. This can hurt you financially.
4. Please repeat all of the above steps... This time, focus on a different aspect of genetic technology and/or different humanities content.
The government is also involve with this when people try to get money for not being able to pay of their bills.
Rheumatoid arthritis can is a big problem for people not only because of the pain of the disease but the medicine also a big deal the medicine is expensive.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog # 13

1. The Big Idea—the science, the humanities & the relevant stage of life.
the main idea that i am interested in doing is to research how arthritis works and the genetic engineer that is in involved in making medicine to help people with arthritis.
The second choice that i have in mind is to talk about HPV vaccine and how cervical cancer can be pass on and how the vaccine work.
My third idea for the article is to write about how genetic engineer works to make your baby. 
2. A picture that represents the big idea

3. A quick description of the genetic science involved.
The genetic science involve in arthritis medication is that it is made through genetic engineering.
HPV is involve with genetic science how the HPV can causes cervical cancer that can be pass down.
Making your idle baby involves genetic engineering to change genes and DNA to create the baby you want.
4. A more substantial explanation of the relevant
cultural, historical, geographical, economic and/or governmental context
and history.
With the arthritis medication is more of the
economic side and government because of the medication that is made to
treat arthritis has to be made which involves money and it also has to
go by the FDA to see if the medication is safe enough to give to people.
For the HPV vaccine it has to go through the
FDA to check if it is safe enough to give to people also economic
because of how many people might want the vaccination.
Genetic baby is more of economic because many
people would like to make their idle baby also it involves the
government because at some point they would of passed a law that would
allow to this.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog #12

Idea #1 should be the type of environment in which you'd like to work. Do you want a big office building? Do you want lots of computers? Do you want to be outdoors? With animals? Alone? Describe your ideal workplace, and post a cool picture that shows what you imagine it to look like. My Idea of a work place to be in like in a lab in a morgue. I would like to work with a partner so we can see what we are doing and to check if we missed anything.

Idea # 2 should be the type of skills you'd like to use at work. Do you want to use computer skills? Interpersonal skills? Creative abilities? Specific academic skills? Describe the types of activities you see yourself doing and the types of skills these activities require. Post a cool picture that shows these skills and abilities in action.
what i would like to use at work is microscopes and utensils need in a lab. The specific skill you would need is knowledge on what you are looking for.

Idea #3 should be the types of things you'd like to learn at internship. Would you like to learn how the business really works? Do you want to know how to bake a gourmet cake? Do you want to find out how movies are made? Describe the big ideas that you want to learn about while you are on the job. Post a cool picture that represents at least one of these big ideas.
What i like to learn from my internship is is how much of a difference there is in forensics in the real life unlike what you see on TV. Also i would like to see if this is what i really want to do for my life.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog #11

This article caught my my because it was taking abut immigration in Alaska and you normally don't think of Alaska as a state that worries about immigration. What shocked me about the article was that they Alaska is more of a state that is trying to get people to go there but as I kept on reading it shocked me that even before the Arizona law passed they were talking about doing some type of law that would do similar thing that Arizona law does.

This article that I read was about the Arizona law. What the reader will get out of this article is more information about what the law is and how, when, who passed the law. Also you will read about the debate that is going on with law. this article is relevant because the article is talking about their immigration law and they are also trying to adapt to the Arizona law.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog # 10

What was/were the root cause(s) of Michael Westerman's death?
The cause of Michael death was ignorance by driving with the confederate flag and not really know the true meaning of it. it cause trouble Freddie the murder and Michael did not know exactly what the flag meant only that black people despise the flag and white don’t. Their ignorance ended up killing someone. to Michael it was a symbol to him from his high school so he took pride of it his friend Billy shared that "i don't think he knew the history of it"so i would say the cause of his death was pure ignorance of the flag. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog # 8

Find & link to at least one specific news article (although it doesn't have to be "new") that addresses at least one specific part of the Constitution that interests you.


1. Summarize the article, and include relevant quotes.
The article I read was about how tattoos are protected by the first amendment. It discus that tattoos is a part of freedom of speech and tattoos can not be ban. "A form of speech does not lose First Amendment protection based on the kind of surface it is applied to,”. Also how some people are trying to ban tattoos cause of the hazard of health. But when taken to a judge in Los Angeles the ban on tattoos did no go through “Because the customer has final control over the design, Judge Christina Snyder reasoned, tattoo artists convey no message of their own, lack First Amendment protection and can be excluded as a public health risk.”
2. Explain what Constitutional concepts are relevant. Some may be obvious, but others maybe more subtly related. Explain the Constitutional connection in your own words, but also reference the specific Article & Section or Amendment(s).
The article is making a reference to the first amendment which is the right of freedom of speech. This connects to the tattooing because some people want to ban tattoos but the first amendment protects it because it is a form of freedom of speech. “A lasting tattoo is a different form of expression, indicating that its bearer is "highly committed to the message,"prepared to suffer pain to receive it and willing to display it for life, Bybee said.”
3. Explain what interests you about this article and/or the Constitutional connections you found.
This interested me because I didn’t know that people were trying to get rid of tattoos for good I knew that people didn’t approve of them but I didn’t know that they wanted them to be gone for good so this article interested me to know that the first amendment protects the right to get a tattoos

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog #7

What stands out to you in your learning?
What stands out in my learning is how many different ways that you can write. also something that stands out to me is how I can connect to it someway and by connecting to me it helps me concentrate more and actually be interested on the work.
What is working well in this class?
I would say what’s working out in the class is the writing tips. The writing tips help me out in some ways on my writing.
What can you do to build upon your successes?
What I can do to build up my success I would say is to try harder on my work and ask question and keep in mind that I should keep on learning more from this class either writing or history.
What very specific, concrete & manageable steps can you take to make the most of your opportunities to learn in this class?
Specific steps I can take to get more out of this class is to listen to the lesson and try my best to complete and understand the work.
What are your goals for the next few weeks in class?
My goals for the next few weeks are to be able to understand the lessons and be able to do my entire home work but understand what I am writing about.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog #6

Artist Stament
Lorena Palma
It was a normal day after school. I had just got home and was putting my stuff away. Out of nowhere I hear my mom say to me, “Come over here and sit down with me, I have some news to tell you”. And then she said it. “I have a brain tumor. I want you to be able to take care of yourself as much as you can and we will get through this”. After she told me that, I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know how to react. As she watched my blank face, she made some joke to cheer me up. Till this day I don’t know what that joke was. I still remember that blank feeling.
Ever since I was little I always saw my mother as a role model. I wanted to be just like her when I grew up. As time went on I started to grow older she began to teach me how to treat other people by showing them that you respect them and not being rude. The same thing every parent teaches their children when they are young. When I was growing up, I noticed how she helped a lot around the house and out of the house by going out and helping my grandmother with her doctor’s appointments and the groceries. Not only did she help out my family, she enjoyed helping our neighbors with their kids when they had a quick errand to run. I have never seen my mom say “no” to anyone who asked for help. In our family, she was known as a saint, always putting other people’s needs before hers. She was the most unselfish person I’d ever met. My mom’s job was to take care of my grandmother and my uncle. She was a caregiver. She was paid to take care of them, but she didn’t do it for the money. She did it because she loved her mother and she loved helping.
After a while, she decided that it was time that my grandmother shouldn’t live alone. That’s when we moved in with her so it would be easier to help out. When I saw what was happening and how dedicated she really was, it inspired me to be dedicated like her. Not only dedicated, but to do my best on everything. I noticed when we moved in with my grandma that both my mom and grandma were the same hard workers and dedicated people who loved to help out in every ways possible. She inspired me to be a hard worker as they were. It wasn’t until I was 13 that I realized how important she was to me and other people.
She began to teach me to do the laundry, cook, and clean the house like her mother taught her to when she was my age. I learned how to appreciate the things I have and be grateful that I had a mother that cared for me. I appreciate everything that I have learned from her. What she taught me really did help throughout the years when she got really sick. I took care of her for a while and it really came in handy how to cook and clean but I still got help. Also, after her death it still came in handy because every day I had to look out for myself. Even though I’m still growing up and learning from my grandmother and father, what my mom taught me will always be with me and I will pass on all that I have learned from my mother to my children. Not only do I want them to learn what my mom taught me, I want to keep my mom’s memory alive by telling future generations about her and what an impact she made to my family.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blog # 5

1. What aspect of the American Icons artist statement has been most successful for you? Why?
I would say that my intro is really powerful and get to the shocking point. Already having a great start help me write the rest of the artist statement. I say this because I feel that if have a great Idea from the start the rest will come naturally.
2. What writing tip(s) have been the most helpful? Why?
A writing tip that has been helpful I would say the loop one it help me create a loop so that my reader would be interested finish reading instead of starting it and skip it.


3. What aspect of the artist statement has been most challenging? Why?
I would say an aspect I had trouble with is was trying to make my writing strong but also making sure that my writing is understandable by other readers that know me. I had this challenge because I already knew my story and everything so I had make sure that I was detail so the reader could understand my view.
4. What writing tip is most challenging? Why?
A tip I had trouble with was concerts not pancakes I had trouble getting my writing to be like a concert start awesome and end awesome.


5. Post a section of your writing that you are currently working on. List at least three questions that, if answered, would help you improve your work.
It was a normal day after school. I had just got home and was putting my stuff away. Out of nowhere I hear my mom say to me, “Come over here and sit down with me, I have some news to tell you”. And then she said it. “I have a brain tumor. I want you to be able to take care of yourself as much as you can and we will get through this”. After she told me that I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know how to react. As she watched my blank face she made some joke to me cheer me up. Till this day I don’t know what that joke was. I still remember that blank feeling.
It was a normal day after school. I had just got home and was putting my stuff away. Out of nowhere I hear my mom say to me, “Come over here and sit down with me, I have some news to tell you”. And then she said it. “I have a brain tumor. I want you to be able to take care of yourself as much as you can and we will get through this”. After she told me that I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know how to react. As she watched my blank face she made some joke to me cheer me up. Till this day I don’t know what that joke was. I still remember that blank feeling.
Does my opening connect well?
How should I improve the writing? So the writing can be strong and capture the reader’s attention.
Should there be more detailed?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog # 4

Post your opening & closing paragraphs of your Icons Artist Statement. Then....

It was a normal day after school. I had just got home and was putting my stuff away. Out of nowhere I hear my mom say to me, “come over here and sit down with me, I have some news to tell you”.  And then she said it. “I have a brain tumor. I want you to be able to take care of yourself as much as you can and we will get through this”. After she told me that I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know how to react. As she watched my blank face she made some joke to me cheer me up. Till this day I don’t know what that joke was. I still remember that blank feeling. I worried about what was going too happened next. That’s when we found out that my mom had cancer; from there everything was going to change.

She began to teach me to do the laundry cook and clean the house like her mother taught her to do so when she was my age. I learned how to appreciate the things I have and be grateful that I had a mother that cared for me. I appreciate everything that I have learned from her.  What she had taught me really did help throughout the years when she got really sick I took care of her for a while and it really came in handy how to cook and clean but I still got help. Also after her death it still came in handy because every day I look out for myself. even though I’m still growing up and learning form my grandmother and father, but what my mom taught me will always be with me and I which to pass all that I have learned from my mother to my children but no only do I want them to learn what my mom taught me I want to keep my mom’s memory alive by telling the future generation about her and what and impact she made to the family.

1.      Explain why you chose this opening/closing combo.
Chose this combo because the way they complemented each other by how it starts with a little short story about my mother having to tell me that she has a brain tumor and wants to leave me with life lesson that I can use. The closing paragraph talks more of what happens later on and how I use what she taught me. In the end it connect to each other and continues the story
2.      How does it tie together your big ideas?
They tie together to my big idea because it shows how I appreciated what she did and I learned great values from her.
3.      Explain the types of thoughts that you hope your reader has when they are done reading your work
 I would like that my readers to have the thought of people or anything that they appreciate. Nothing last forever. Also I would hope that a lot of people can connect the topic if they have lost someone important to them. I just want my reader to appreciate what they have and be grateful for it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog # 3

Part 1: Icons

Think of all of the Icons—people, places, things & events—that you plan to include in your Artist Statement. Then...
What I will include in my artist stamen is my grand mother. The event that I will have is when my mother gives me news of her brain tumor and where she shared the news with me in the living room.

Choose two and explain how they are connected. Describe what ideas they represent. Describe how they might represent variations on a theme and/or different relationships with you.
My grandmother connects with my icon because she is the one who my mom learned from, that pass on the knowledge to me. She represents how we pass down our knowledge to the next generation. The second is when my mother tells me her news this event represents the situation I am I n that helps me in a way to understand and learn from her as much as I could at that time. This event connects to my icon because this when I learn more about life skills and see where everything happens and changed.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blog # 2

My mother was a good teacher and a strong woman she represents the loving and caring person she was she passed down lessons to me about life and people. I chose my mother as an icon because she really taught me a lot through out the few years left I had with her. She told be to always be consider it to other and help out when ever I could and always be respectful. She enjoyed taking care of my grandmother and my uncle she always put other peoples need before hers. My mother was always with my grandmother that was one of the most important people to her. She was important to her because she was her mother and loved to help her out in any way possible they were really close. What was important to her was to help around the house take care my grandmother and taking her to the doctors that was important to her was to help others in any way. She enjoyed helping out. This icon became an importance to the American cultural because a mother is the loving and caring. My mother is important to me because she loved and cared about me and she was my teacher for life also I could always count on her for anything. She inspired me to be more like her by trying to think of other need s before mind and help out any one in need. My mother had a great influence on me I saw her as my role model. I always tired to make my decision on what she taught me.

Cesar Millan a.k.a the dog whisper represents how much I care for my dog and always trying to train my dog to do the right thing and not letting him develop bad habits that will later on will affect other people’s life. That may cause some horrible consequences. What’s important to Cesar is to help out owner that were in need of help to regain leadership and control over there dogs. He became an important icon to the American cultural by starting a TV show where he showed people how to train the dog right not by harshly punishing the dog. Also he showed how to help the owner create a better bond whit your dog. This icon became important to me because I think he shows people how to treat a dog. I say this because most people I see hit their dogs if they have done something wrong which really doesn’t help at all. Cesar inspired me to treat my dog differently and try to think of his needs also he inspired me to try to show people that pit bulls are not aggressive and that they will turn on you it all depends how you train the dog. Cesar has a bee a good influence to be and I have learned a lot from him. He has showed me what to do or not to do also. 

The borderline represents my identity if I am more Mexican or American. This represents me because I always think of how and what is my true identity.  The reason I say that is because I feel different when I go to visit my cousins from Mexico I always questioned if truly Mexican. I think of this because in America I am looked as a Mexican that might not know English and in Mexico I am looked as an American who really doesn’t know anything about Mexico or the language it feel like I am being judge by both side and don’t belong in either one. This icon is important o the American cultural because it separates the illegal immigrants from crossing. They do not want the immigrants to take over peoples jobs or prevent any terrorist attacks. This icon is important to me because just one fence separates to kinds of people and I am left in the middle trying to figure out which one I am. This icon inspired me to try to figure out what I am and try to embrace both of them both. This icon can connect to me and others as well. The icon connects to other because most people that are Mexican American go through the same thing or other nationality.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blog #1

My goals for my junior year are to pass the class but not just pass the class I want to have the knowledge of American history and improving my writing. By passing that would be my reflection of what I have learned. Also another goal is that I want to improve my writing skills. Also I hope that this year I can understand more the American culture and how history affected the cultural. I hope by taking this class I can learn something that I can apply to my life or to another project.
I hope that in humanities I can accomplish improve my writing I really need to improve on my grammar. Hope that this year I will be able to improve my grammar. Also I would like to understand more about the history of America because I really just know the basic of American history and I would like to go more in dept about it.  Also I would like to see how much I can connect to the history.
 One thing that I always try to do my best in is when I am taking care of my niece and nephews. I always try to be the fun aunt but when comes to it I will set down the law for them if it comes to it. From taking care of them I can improve my skill of responsibility and know when to have fun and when to be serious. The reason that I developed this is because I don’t want anything bad happen to them and knowing that this was cause of me. That’s why I have to be in control of the situation so that anything bad will never happen.